Introducing Schwifty Labs LSD Edible 200ug Sour Grape
- 200ug
- 1 Sour Grape
Do not touch the edible with bare hands, wear gloves or use a tweezer.

What is Microdosing?
LSD: a new treatment emerging from the past
Psychedelics fell from medical grace nearly half a century ago, but recent activity suggests that some researchers have “high hopes” for their return.1,2 Over 60 years ago, Albert Hofmann at Sandoz Pharmaceutical Laboratories in Switzerland first synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and personally experienced its effects (later described as a voyage into madness or a chemically induced psychosis) in 1943. Hofmann’s drug opened up a new era of hallucinogenic research. Over the next 15 years, more than a thousand articles on the use of LSD appeared in medical and scientific publications. In 1957, that work gave rise to the term “psychedelic” to describe a mind-manifesting response, described by some as an experience that brought to light matters that had previously been part of the unconscious.
During the 1950s and into the early 1960s, LSD was used rather successfully to treat alcoholism, arguably by compressing years of psychotherapy into a single, intensive, self-reflective session that helped patients with alcohol dependence achieve a new self-image and the willpower to move beyond their disease. Others explored LSD as an adjuvant to psychotherapy for addressing trauma; still others used it to model psychosis and to generate interest in studying schizophrenia as a chemical reaction in the brain. However promising these studies were, they also invited critics who argued that LSD did not perform well in randomized controlled trials, that the drug was too enticing as a substance for abuse or that it was an altogether dangerous substance given its capacity for conjuring terrifying hallucinations or producing psychosis. we bring you nothing but the best.
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